Local adaptation and ecological differentiation under selection, migration and drift in Arabidopsis lyrata

New application using the Bioruptor for DNA shearing before library preparation: In this study, researchers conducted a reciprocal transplant trial, a common garden trial, and a whole‐genome based demography analysis to understand how selection, migration and drift influence local adaptation in Arabidopsis lyrata. In a three‐year field experiment, they showed evidence of local adaptation at the level of hierarchical[…]

Capture d’écran 2016-07-05 à 15.18.19

Best shearing of yeast genomic DNA for NGS

DNA shearing is important step for next-generation sequencing library preparation, and reproducibility and efficiency of shearing are key factors. Nataliia Gralievska and Helle Ulrich at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Germany show that the Bioruptor®Pico is the best system to shear S. cerevisiae DNA. Since this yeast has smaller amounts of DNA per cell and a[…]